Social Understanding


To promote understanding among the different parties, for a harmonious relationship, inclusion, participation and sustainable regional development.

1. Social performance in action: Stakeholder engagement
Community engagement is a proactive approach to the community in order to establish or improve the existing relationship to transform it into one that is mutually beneficial. We facilitate and implement this process so that the company and the community can get to know each other, recognize each other and build trust.
Social performance in action results in inclusive and equitable relations with the community, based on respect and empathy, which allow us to build and maintain agreements, manage risks, impacts and conflicts in a timely and appropriate manner, and contribute to regional development.
InSight provides its clients with experienced consultants for the implementation of community relations.
Managing community relations generates the following benefits, among others:
- Improve and strengthen the company-community relationship, creating long-term ties.
- The community becomes more aware of the organization and becomes part of it.
- Build trust and generate realistic and sustainable agreements.
- Adequate conflict management.
2. Capacity building for dialogue and meaningful conversations
We develop integral training processes, through the facilitation of experiential spaces, so that both companies and communities improve their ability to dialogue, reach agreements and build agreements, overcoming the reactive and transactional approach that sometimes leads company-community relations.
InSight provides its clients with experienced consultants for the implementation of community relations.
With our support, your business succeeds:
  • Proactive, constructive and dialogue-based relationships.
  • Improve the dialogue capabilities of the parties
  • Establish spaces to build and strengthen the "we" between the company and the community.
3. Conflict Management: Harnessing the transformative power of difference.
Conflict arises from difference and, if properly managed, can lead to new win-win relationship scenarios.
Our team has the capacity to manage the conflict from root cause analysis to its manifestations, to empathize with the parties, and to facilitate conversations and spaces to manage both the root causes and the expressions of the conflict, to diminish its intensity, to resolve it and to prevent its resurgence.
Conflict management facilitates

communication, avoids unnecessary friction, promotes responsibility and improves relations between the parties, seeking to build voluntary agreements to give continuity to relations, develop new scenarios and maintain agreements.

4. FPIC - Free, Prior and Informed Consent, and engagement with indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities.
Recognition and respect for indigenous peoples and other ethnic minorities (black communities, Roma communities), from a perspective of inclusion and equity, is fundamental for the construction of agreements between companies and these communities.
International standards and declarations of the rights of indigenous peoples require free, prior and informed consent for activities that take place in their territories and impact their culture.
InSight, with its multicultural experience and its ability to generate empathy, facilitates the implementation of prior consultation and Free, Prior and Informed Consent processes through the construction of a common perspective between the company and the indigenous community, as well as agreements that consider cultural differences.
InSight's support in these processes brings you:
  • Guarantee of the rights of indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities.
  • An open vision to build multicultural relationships.
  • Facilitate the processes of prior consultation and Free, Prior and Informed Consent with participatory and culturally appropriate methodologies.
5. Socio-economic development programs
We design and implement social investment programs with long-term objectives that contribute to the sustainable socioeconomic development of the communities and regions in the area of influence of our operations.
Our objective is to ensure that the company's investment is focused on generating capabilities, leveraging existing strengths, and integrating communities and the region into economic development chains.
Through our Socioeconomic Development Programs your organization achieves:
  • Promote productivity, competitiveness and quality of products in the area of influence of the projects or operations.
  • Generate added value and leverage improvement processes in local productive sectors.
  • Strengthen and promote associativity, alternative marketing circuits, production chains, inclusive businesses and fair trade.
  • Promote the family farm economy.
  •  Implement programs characterized by plural participation, with a gender focus and emphasis on the organizations of peoples, nationalities, communes, communities and collectives, in the sustainable management of natural resources.
6. Integration platforms for sustainable development
Sustainable regional development requires the articulation of different actors: companies and industry, communities, local and national government, academia, civil society, international banks, among others, to build and improve territorial knowledge and its potential for sustainable development, establish long-term sustainable development objectives, design action plans and implement programs that, in an articulated manner, contribute to achieving the goals of the long-term objectives.
InSight supports companies in the creation of collaboration platforms between the various stakeholders to articulate for sustainable regional development.
Our proposal allows you to:
  • To integrate the company into the dynamics of regional development.
  • Involve different actors to leverage regional development, avoiding the "supplanting of the State" by the company.
  • Improve knowledge of the region and its potential for sustainable development.
  • Implement multi-stakeholder and long-term (+50 years) regional development strategies.

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