UncategorizedDecember 4, 2023by Insight0

Project Stakeholders: Mapping, analysis and their impact on social management

Stakeholders of a project: Mapping and analysis of stakeholders and their impact on social management. Here we tell you about its relevance in the business environment. Continue reading...

Identifying and analyzing the right stakeholders is fundamental to community relations and sustainable social development programs. Incorrect stakeholder identification can lead to conflict and jeopardize any project. 

The mapping and analysis of these stakeholders is a fundamental process for social management, as it allows us to identify them, understand them and have a better understanding of their interests, expectations and the way in which the projects may affect them . 

Why is stakeholder mapping and analysis important?

Stakeholder identification, mapping and analysis are the basis for the development of a social performance strategy and plan. 

A deep and adequate knowledge of stakeholders, i.e. the organizations, institutions, communities and individuals impacted or likely to be impacted by a project or operation, is essential to interact with them properly, have an active and proactive dialogue, reach agreements and manage disagreements.

Stakeholder analysis of a project

There are many methodologies, but the most important thing for a company is to know what level of knowledge it has of its stakeholders, and what it needs to know for a better relationship. 

The position on the project and/or operation, mutual impact, importance, influence, expectations, impact of the project on expectations, among other aspects, can be analyzed, which should also be monitored over time, in order to know how the stakeholder changes and how effective the relationship strategy is being.

In this sense, some steps that can be established for its analysis are: 

  1. Identification 

The first stage consists of identifying all the stakeholders that may be involved in the project.

  1. Characterization 

At this point those who have been identified will be characterized. This includes gathering information on their interests, expectations, potential impact on the project, and level of influence, or any other criteria that are relevant to the project, depending on the stage of the project.

  1. Prioritization and relationship mechanisms

The third stage consists of prioritizing them and establishing the relationship mechanisms required for each of them, from simple monitoring to collaboration and involvement in decision making. This can be done according to their importance to the project, their level of influence, and their potential impact.

Stakeholder mapping

Geographic mapping is also fundamental to have a better understanding of the impacts of the project or operation on them and their impact on the operation. In addition to geographic mapping, there are multiple graphic tools to visualize stakeholder networks, the relationships between them and with the project, among other multiple criteria that make the analysis more exhaustive. 

How to perform stakeholder mapping and analysis?

There are many methodologies which can help organizations identify, map, and monitor.

InSight Social has a tool for 360° Stakeholder Analysiswhich provides a complete view of a project's stakeholders, and generates the necessary tools, such as interactive maps, so that the analysis can be integrated into decision making.

Social Insight and stakeholder analysis at Amazonas S.A.

Through the application of the stakeholders 360InSight Social conducted a stakeholder analysis for Amazonas S.A., an agro-industrial company dedicated to the collection and export of Brazil nuts, located in Bolivia.

There, our organization conducted tours of all points in the Brazil nut value chain. Interviews were conducted with the people and organizations involved in the chain (collectors, suppliers, transporters, operators, managers, communities). 

With this, it was possible to generate a comprehensive understanding of their perceptions, expectations and position on the operation. In addition, an interactive map of the Brazil nut value chain was created, which located the stakeholders with all their information, so that management could make decisions.

Want to learn more about how Insight Social can help you map and analyze your stakeholders? Visit our web site or contact us at!

Cultural impact - perspective

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