Social Performance and Social Management: a driver for change

Over the years, the concept of social social management has evolved significantly, which today leads us to understand it as an integral approach to social performance. social performance of the various impacts of business operations, recognizing communities as subjects of rights and encouraging their active participation in decision making.

In this article, we invite you to learn how this transformation has profoundly changed the dynamics between companies and communities.

Evolution of Social Management

The various aspects related to the management of social impacts and relations with external stakeholders and communities have evolved in their approaches and concepts, especially in the extractive industry and infrastructure construction. and infrastructure construction industries, which are the most exposed to interaction with communities in their areas of operation.These industries are the most exposed to interaction with communities in their areas of operation.

The first stage: altruistic and philanthropic vision

In the early days, companies had no formal responsibility to communities and offered voluntary benefits at the discretion of senior executives. This resulted in an unequal relationship, where communities were seen as beneficiaries with no voice for complaints or grievances.

Creation of the "Corporate Social Responsibility" concept 

Subsequently, the Corporate Social Responsibility focused on social investment and programs to benefit communities. Although this was an advance over legal responsibility, there was still little consultation and participation of communities in decisions, and inequality prevailed.

The advent of Social Management

The move from social responsibility to social management came with the growing awareness of the rights of communities and their demand for respect for their rights. and their demand for respect, a context in which social and environmental organizations also played an important role.The move from social responsibility to social management came with the growing awareness of the rights of communities and their demand for respect, a context in which social and environmental organizations also played an important role.

Thus, social management recognizes communities as subjects of rights and implies:

  • Risk and social impact management
  • Transparent information delivery
  • Consultation and participation of communities in decision making
  • Creation of company-community alliances

Social Performance: Implementing social impact management 

As these stages progress, social performance social performance introduced a social management system based on legal and global standards, incorporating human rights and gender perspectives. In addition, it highlighted the importance of business in generating value beyond financial benefits, which implied changes in decision-making and strategies to involve communities.

This approach also affected the economic value of companies, as reputation and social impact management began to influence stock market transactions. As a result, companies were driven to apply more stringent to apply more rigorous standards from the earliest stages of their projects.

Social Performance in Action: InSight Social and Anglo American

InSight Social, we take a holistic approach to social management and social performance, focusing on social perspective, integration and understanding.

In this regard, we collaborated with Anglo American in the adaptation of the Social Way for exploration and exploration and discovery projects projects and in the global teams in its implementation, working directly with teams in Angola, Australia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Serbia and South Africa.

These actions allowed us to integrate social social performance in decision making and project planning, conduct integrated social and environmental risk and impact analyses, and develop and implement mitigation plans in line with international standards.

The need for companies to adapt to new paradigms

The evolution of social management has posed significant challenges to companies, as its implementation has become a vital component of decision making and project planning in the industry. 

Thus, as communities exert greater influence and participation, companies have responded by adapting and setting higher standards from the initial stages of projects.

At InSight Social we offer expertise and collaboration to help your company address these challenges, promoting more effective and sustainable social performance practices that benefit both communities and the organization. Let's talk!


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